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SKU: 1096-HIC0062. Category: .

Product Description

Vinpocetine is derived from vincamine, an alkaloid constituent of the periwinkle plant (Vinca minor). Affectionately known as Vinpo, is a compounded extract, shown to provide nutritional support for brain and mental health. Vinpo also helps restore healthy activity to an aging brain by promoting circulation, healing and energy utilization. This American dietary supplement is a registered medication in several European countries for its properties of vasodilation, vasorelaxation and as a nootropic for memory. It is used in the body building community to support vasodilation and blood flow. It also helps mediate inflammatory response. The mechanism of action in supporting memory may be partially due to its relaxant effects on cerebral, brain, ear and eye smooth muscle tissue. For best results in supporting healthy mental function, memory and vision start at a low serving size such as InVite’s 5mg formula. Increase from one per day to two or three capsules as needed and well-tolerated.*