Product Description
Many individual natural nutrients posess formidable antioxidant activity. A cross section of antioxidants is required to complete the cycle and to help quench the range of free radicals that ravage our bodies. Having an ample supply of available antioxidants is critical to a long, healthy life. To afford great antioxidant defense from head to toe and expand the pool of available antioxidants, we offer Lycopene (a powerful carotenoid antioxidant), Glutathione Lozenges (an enzyme-system antioxidant that also plays an important part in detoxification and liver health), and Vitamin E Natural Complex (supplies all 8 isomers of Vitamin E, including the ultra-protective tocotrienols and an abundance of alpha and gamma tocopherol).* Glutathione Lozenges Master antioxidant which supports detoxification, the immune system, and cellular health.* Lycopene A natural carotenoid antioxidant and valuable constituent of a prostate or breast health regimen. Using only Lyc-O-Mato® Lycopene, naturally derived from non-genetically modified tomato plants. It supports heart and skin health as well.* Vitamin E Natural Complex In nature, Vitamin E is composed of 8 different isomers, or molecular arrangements 4 tocopherols and 4 tocotrienols. At higher levels, the antioxidant benefits of gammatocopherol are greatly enhanced. Combined with Tocomin full-spectrum tocotrienol complex, Vitamin E Natural Complex offers optimal support for brain, blood vessel, liver, kidney, breast and prostate tissue.*